31 January 2011


I’m defiantly not a fashionista but I can assure you my two best friends are. I’m actually fortunate to have them in my life or else I would be a tomboy... hmm, maybe not! lol

But on a serious note, they are by far more creative and open to try new things and create their own style … like who wears converses with Moroccan Kiftan? Only my friend would do it and she knows how to pull it off with confidence.

All a side, I have noticed a growing number of new generation of Muslim fashionistas, all competing to make their statement of fashion while having their hijabs (scarf) beautifully wrapped around their heads. Some of them hold my breath at the first glance, I would be ecstatic to see them looking stunningly hijabed up. I would usually be thinking like ‘omg, isn’t she beautiful and yet proud to have her hijab on’!

Obviously wearing hijab and being fashion addict will always be a hard thing to juggle at the same time. You would be thinking if what you wear is modest enough, are you actually giving the hijab the title it deserves or are you disrespect it? … and ultimately not representing the hijabis who are very fond of their hijabs and what it represent and stands for. I can almost imagine it as if it is walking on a hot coal and only tip toeing around matters.  

Whatever it might be, this is a big responsibility especially for those who design or portray themselves as the 21st century Muslimah, and be careful ladies!  

But I like www.hijabscarf.blogspot.com collection, why can’t it be as simple as that?!


  1. Aaaaah, Hijabi Fationistas!!

    People think that to be a hijabi you cant style yourself or look good. u know, only wear black and all that...psssshhhhh, as those sisters from the Hijabscarf show u can pull if off aslong as u stay modest. what i like about hijabis is the fact that they are are so diverse mashallah. ull see an african sister who wears her hijab differently to a pakistani sisters. both beautiful and unique.

    personally, I am a bit of a hijabi fashionista. i love wearing different styles of hijab although i never wear anything too different when it comes to cloths LOL. abaya is like a comfort to me...ill wear a black abaya and play with the hijab and the accessories. the shoes, handbag, headband and i am a freak about colour co-ordination lol.

    this is one of my good friends blog: check it out love it


  2. You always look elegant, you poses do it justice lol - I totally agree with modesty you can look glam.
