8 January 2011

The 3 musketeers’

Who? Yes, us the three musketeers. Moi, Hiba and Hanaa. Isn’t it so sweet to have friends who you share the same initial with?!

It was on the 4th of Jan when Hanaa text me with “girls do you want to go to China Town on Thursday?”  I instantly texted back with “I’m on it. Sounds fantabloussssss!”… However I only realised after that the message wasn’t delivered. Such a mood killer but hey she got it afterwards. Guess what? I have been in London for nearly 10 years and I haven’t stepped a foot in China Town ever *gasps*.

Knowing that I went out the night before with the beautiful Sagal and Amal, I was guilt conscious about the time I’m spending on socialising. Mind you I have a long to-do-list for my university deadlines. But this was a must or else I won’t be part of the musketeers.

It was a cold, wet and gloomy day and anyone with their right mind would rather stay in the comfort of their own house. I battled my temptation to stay home and wrapped up with my newly bought jacket, I was wholly hugged by it. I caught the bus and luckily my commuting was smooth. Hiba & Hanaa were in their way to Piccadilly Circus to meet me there and as predicted they got there before me. I got of the bus and after several attempts to explain where I’m exactly I met them as they were wearing the prettiest smile in such weather.

I tweeted about my location and asked if there’re any recommendation as to where is best to eat and checkout in China Town, but it seemed not a lot of my London follower’s are familiar with this location. Except of course Miss WaAniga; who declared China Town as her favourite place.

In route to China Town we popped in Costa, I had to drink something hot. My feet were about to go numb in the so un-cosy wellington boots I bought recently. I feel guilty because I promised myself to not drink from branded café.

We’re in China Town and all I can smell is roasted or fried duck or I assumed it to be. It actually felt like I was a tourist in China. The place is dominated by restaurants I think the Chinese are foodies. Can you believe that everything is nearly written in Mandarin? Even HSBC Bank. Walaaaaaa! I even got myself their newspaper in hope to learn a word or two.

Checked many Chinese corner shops and we were fascinated by it. Of course as we roamed the area I snapped couple of photos and the iphoneography challenge was in mind. Here are couple photos!

Then it was about time we search for Halal Chinese restaurant. But we failed miserably. Quoting Hanaa ‘Omg I can’t believe this. We’re in cosmopolitan London and in China Town there are no Halal restaurants!!!’ .. We even asked the corner shop keeper if there is any and bless her, she pronounced halal like a Muslim!

So I suggested Vapiano. Don’t judge me it was only around the corner and I promised to take them one day. I guess I had to hit two birds with one stone. The experience was a great one and as usual I took more pics. Eeeeeek!

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